Fortinet udostępnił aktualizację dla produktu FortiAuthenticator o numerze wersji 6.4.6. Dzięki aktualizacji, zostały poprawione błędy dotyczące obsługi 2FA dla oprogramowania FortiClient, ponadto skorygowano błędne działanie uwierzytelniania SAML, problem dotyczył błędu ,,500 Internal Server Error” po pomyślnym uwierzytelnieniu SAML. Od wersji 6.4.6, nie będzie już problemu z konfiguracją klastra active-active na hoście Hyper-V. Po więcej ciekawych informacji zapraszamy do dalszej części posta.
Rozwiązane problemy:
Bug ID | Description |
838043 | FSSO Enable encryption option should not be enabled by default. |
846732 | 2FA support for FortiClient IKEv2 VPN is broken. |
837679 | Upgrade to FortiAuthenticator 6.4.5 causes SSOMA connection failure. |
787156 | FortiAuthenticator 6.4.1 GA OIDC HTTP Error 500. |
806544 | HA halts at „Forming Cluster” due to remote RADIUS user database format issue. |
837428 | FortiAuthenticator remote syslog did not include the correct hostname information. |
837219 | FortiAuthenticator VM on same Hyper-V host cannot form HA A/A cluster after July 2022 Windows Updates. |
840637 | 500 Internal Server Error after successful SAML authentication. |
837246 | Unable to access Captive Portals directly on 6.4.5 GA. |
838837 | [FACCloud] Readd SSO section to the Monitor tab. |
837691 | SAML IdP fails to process the request containing more than one RequestedAuthnContext . |
834377 | Accessing GUI event logs gives 500 Error on FortiAuthenticator devices upgraded all the way from <= FAC 2.0. |
Znane problemy:
Bug ID | Description |
809353 | Country code selection for guest portal user registration on iOS selects incorrect country prefix. |
831114 | Ukrainian language pack is added but the legacy self-service portal shows some parts in English and some in Ukraine. |
653638 | Locked out user account should have status as disbled in user lookup page. |
793838 | Password not defined after importing users from LDAP as a local user via sync rule. |
799641 | FIDO key user should have information in User Lookup. |
817915 | Hide RADIUS attribute substring match option for non-string types. |
821315 | Unable to set Group Filter for remote user group. |
836463 | After configuring initial IP settings in CLI, https GUI access does not work. |
680776 | AP HA secondary cannot change mgmt interface access configuration, and the option does not sync from the primary either. |
637028 | SSL connection fails if the certificate expired issue is not explicit enough. |
676532 | When FortiAuthenticator has RADIUS client set as subnet, RADIUS accounting disconnect messages are not sent. |
689329 | Unable to resolve the username if the primary LDAP connection is down. |
751108 | FortiAuthenticator does not support admin OIDs from FORTINET-CORE-MIB properly. |
767745 | SNMP facSysCpuUsage returns wrong type. |
767935 | A-P cluster, it forms when configured from the GUI, it does not when configured from CLI without a restart. |
773083 | Enable/disable FortiToken Cloud push notification button shuts down all the authentication methods. |
775542 | When an admin with 2FA tries to authentcate to the CLI, before being prompted for the token code, an „Access denied” message is shown. Once the token is typed in, the auth goes through. |
781168 | RADIUS client cannot connect to the RADIUS server caused by an unknown client. |
808748 | Self-service portal password change fails for remote LDAP users if UPN format is used. |
830386 | „Users Audit Report” does not update timestamps in the „Last Used” Column for EAP-TLS authentication used for Wireless. |
830884 | Username is not populated in Logs, when changes are done via API in FortiAuthenticator. |
836086 | Revoked intermediate CA are shown in the GUI as used per license. |
837728 | Local services: Unable to use certificates when the subject length is more than 97 characters. |
838918 | Despite DH modulus regeneration and device reboot, DH modulus is still equal to 2048 bits (256 bytes) instead of 4096 bits (512 bytes). |
842389 | Captive portal automatic log in after successful user verification is failing. |
844295 | Unable to import Guest users using CSV format in FortiAuthenticator. |
845700 | Chained token authentication fails with self service portal. |
845851 | Push on FortiAuthenticator portal does not work when the username exceeds 20 characters. |
566145 | Usage Profile 'TIME USAGE=Time used' is not triggering COA or disconnect request to FortiGate. |
761482 | FIDO2 authentication not compatible with Apple’s WiFi popup. |
806837 | FortiAuthenticator license file is too large for AWS. |
815896 | FortiAuthenticator does not log an error when it cannot communicate to an external SMS provider due to invalid or expired certificate. |
816070 | DB issue if power down during a short window when booting from factory reset. |
743775 | SCEP Get CA requests intermittently fails under high SCEP load. |
750134 | FortiAuthenticator as LDAP server cannot export admin users from the local user base. |
757460 | Enable Django auto-translation for any end user pages. |
787013 | Changing the username attribute will cause the remote sync rule to remove existing remote users and eventually reimport them. |
791127 | Sometimes(randomly) FortiAuthenticator fails to send email notification. |
795271 | E-mail address does not appear in the logs after social login authentication. |
796834 | Captive portal loops between /portal/server?, 200 OK to /portal/login/server? 302 OK back to /portal/server? on Chrome browsers. |
799768 | Automatic CRL download error with two Identical DN. |
801009 | Remote SAML user sync rule creates one log entry for every SAML user assgined FortiToken Mobile every time the SAML sync occurs. |
804238 | FortiAuthenticator 6.4.1 GA SAML Logout fails. |
815000 | TACACS consuming CPU resources 100% with zero connections. |
815897 | Unable to import LDAP user from GUI by using IBM Lotus Domino LDAP. |
826424 | Registering an already existing username on Legacy Self-serve Portal triggers 500 error. |
829318 | „Users and Devices” permission set does not allow to import remote LDAP users. |
773020 | Revoking of certificate is not seen with OCSP until FortiAuthenticator reboots. |
Notatki producenta: FortiAuthenticator 6.4.6
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