FortiAuthenticator 6.5.3 to najnowsza wersja oprogramowania z rodziny 6.5 dedykowanego dla FortiAuthenticator, zaawansowanego narzędzia do zarządzania uwierzytelnianiem w sieciach. Nowa wersja to łatka poprawiająca błędy w działaniu rozwiązania. W nowej wersji 6.5.3 naprawiono błąd „500 Internal Server Error” podczas importowania grup LDAP zdalnych jako grupy SSO, poprawiono obsługę serwera RADIUS, usprawniono przetwarzanie zdarzeń Windows w FortiAuthenticator, osiągając 100% przetworzonych zdarzeń i unikając opóźnień.
Rozwiązane problemy:
W FortiAuthenticator 6.5.3 rozwiązano wiele istotnych problemów, co przyczynia się do poprawy stabilności i wydajności oprogramowania. Oto kilka z rozwiązanych problemów:
- Poprawiono błąd umożliwiający logowanie przez SSO IAM do FortiGate FortiCloud.
- Naprawiono błąd „500 Internal Server Error” podczas importowania grup LDAP zdalnych jako grupy SSO.
- Zaktualizowano obsługę RADIUS Access-Accept w celu prawidłowego zwracania nazwy użytkownika UPN.
- Rozwiązano problem z niepewnym resetowaniem hasła administratora Azure.
- Usunięto okazjonalny błąd „500 Internal Server Error” po zalogowaniu administratora.
- Zapobieżono możliwości eksportu klucza Root CA i certyfikatu po zmodyfikowaniu GUI.
- Naprawiono problem z przypisywaniem identycznych nazw claim różnym stroną polegającym na SSO.
- Poprawiono wygląd Monitora, przyciski „Collapse” działają poprawnie.
- Umożliwiono czytelniejsze zdefiniowanie typu zakresu.
- Odpowiedź API uwierzytelniania zawiera teraz pole wiadomości.
- Usprawniono przetwarzanie zdarzeń Windows w FortiAuthenticator, osiągając 100% przetworzonych zdarzeń i unikając opóźnień.
- Rozwiązano błąd GUI podczas tworzenia nowej strony polegającej na OAuth.
- Odpowiedź OAuth teraz zawiera zakresy, nawet jeśli nie są one skonfigurowane dla danej strony polegającej.
Rozwiązanie tych problemów w FortiAuthenticator 6.5.3 przyczynia się do poprawy działania oprogramowania i zapewnia bardziej stabilne i niezawodne środowisko zarządzania uwierzytelnianiem.
Bug ID | Description |
922632 | FortiGate FortiCloud SSO IAM login. |
915248 | 500 internal server error when importing remote LDAP groups as SSO groups. |
919817 | RADIUS Access-Accept does not return User-Name as UPN. |
829365 | Azure admin password reset is not working reliably. |
927907 | Occasional 500 error after an admin logs in. |
915898 | Root CA key and certificate can be exported after modifying the GUI. |
931970 | FortiAuthenticator 2000E power supply monitor should show PSUs as vertically aligned. |
918513 | Trusted endpoint SSO fails with FortiAuthenticator sending TCP RST to client. |
930090 | Collapse buttons in Monitor > SSO > Domains page does not work. |
923977 | Change the scope type to something more readable. |
917607 | Inability to assign identical claim names to different relying parties. |
920749 | Authentication API response is missing the message field. |
914030 | FortiAuthenticator does not reach 100% of the processed windows events and experiences delays. |
928812 | GUI error when creating a new OAuth relying party. |
922839 | OAuth response contains scopes even when they are not configured for the relying party. |
919820 | CA certificate Advanced Options: Key Usages section elements misformatted. |
921791 | The user registration on a captive portal is not working after successful token verification. |
926151 | Inline script cannot be executed in the User Registration Confirmation and User Registration Receipt pages. |
876897 | FortiAuthenticator memory usage showing in the widget does not match with memory usage from SNMP (facSysMemUsage ). |
908291 | FortiAuthenticator does not properly revoke a user certificate. |
926650 | 500 error when registering a portal device. |
917321 | 500 error when creating a RADIUS policy with MAB and eduroam enabled. |
921574 | Having enabled HTTP-POST in the SP for SAML IAM login results in 403 error. |
915152 | Remote sync rule assigns a new mobile token again after the OTP is manually disabled for the user. |
908142 | Using Yubikey as OTP second factor increases drift/counter unexpectedly. |
924305 | An Uncaught TypeError: o.includes is not a function error in Authentication > User Management > Local Users. |
927254 | Revoke button for the root CA should be grayed out. |
925486 | JavaScript error when trying to log off an FSSO session. |
925741 | JS error o.includes is not a function shows up on several GUI pages. |
926693 | REST API – Internal server error while trying to modify existing RADIUS attributes using PUT call. |
906339 | RADIUS attributes cannot be added to local users via REST API ( Error: local variable 'vendor' referenced before assignment ). |
927110 | Admin GUI message when using the trusted endpoint SSO feature. |
926587 | OAuth – Internal server error while trying to get an authentication code when no scopes are configured for the RP. |
925860 | REST API debug report not decrypting properly. |
923596 | Preserve the scopes when upgrade from 6.4. |
861557 | Remote user sync rules – Set group filter is not working if OU has special characters in name, e.g., ( , ) , + . |
901379 | HA cluster failover causes FortiAuthenticator to give up on logging. |
923401 | SAML FSSO returns error 403 when the FSSO session is removed. |
921975 | Same OAuth relying party scope created multiple times. |
925303 | Authorize or Deny page does not show up in the code base for OAuth relying party. |
919706 | FIDO login with remote admin users fail on the SAML IdP portal due to an attribute error. |
917772 | Trusted endpoint SSO produces 500 internal server error when an AzureAD workstation joins by using a custom domain name. |
905593 | Admin username is missing from the log details after an upgrade. |
918507 | Portals not saving the Restrict token self-provisioning to members of specific groups setting. |
919755 | 500 error after successful SAML authentication with local admin user on a FIDO portal. |
915713 | Trusted SSO default port 8008 is in conflict with the FortiGate default open http port 8008 for FortiGuard. |
921007 | SAML token retry error on FIDO authentication when previous FIDO authentication has failed. |
919326 | Memory leak in the fn_hash_table if a collision occurs. |
901776 | SAML logout using POST will return CSRF token missing or incorrect (HTTP 403). |
918778 | Hide deprecated models from the tablesizes.html output. |
899836 | Passwords expires one day earlier than expected. |
Znane problemy:
Bug ID | Description |
920262 | Some of the users logged in a MAC device are unable to get user sessions listed on FortiAuthenticator. |
931960 | radiusd appears to be stale with unfinished request in component authenticate module facauth that matches no Access-request ID. |
929279 | Self-service portal password change fails for remote LDAP users. |
929943 | Push authentication does not work on the FortiAuthenticator Windows agent when using FortiTrust Identity. |
929004 | Unable to add longer mobile phone numbers for certain country codes. |
929090 | FortiAuthenticator issues with User Principal Name (UPN) and tokens. |
922921 | Old and newly revoked certificates in FortiAuthenticator 6.5.2 GA shows active if the revocation reason is 'unspecified.’ |
932783 | FAC2KE PSU Monitor widget does not accurately reflect the actual statuses of the PSUs on the device. |
887081 | SAML: Launching SP-initiated SAML session for a user with FIDO AUTH produces server errors, |
924446 | 500 error for remote user on SAML portal with both FIDO and FortiToken Mobile/FortiToken Cloud tokens. |
920970 | Preview mapping does not work under remote user sync rule. |
928034 | Issue authenticating IPsecVPN IKEv2 EAP (MSCHAPv2) to FortiAuthenticator + remote RADIUS server. |
924632 | FortiAuthenticator not able to return more than 100 groups from Azure AD when using SSOMA. |
869867 | FortiAuthenticator SSO database is not updating on time when the domain users switch from wireless to wired or vice versa. |
923405 | Enrollment request made to the secondary unit not synchronized to the primary unit after it takes control again. |
928643 | radiusd cannot handle two parallel authentication sessions and removes partially authenticated user when the second attempt happens. |
913981 | Non-admin SAML FIDO authentication ends with error 500. |
929462 | Internal server error: /guests/social/register/ . |
900550 | 2FA codes via SMS is not working. |
924321 | Second factor setup against PEAP-MSCHAPv2 client fails with EAP authentication failed due to missing token . |
894888 | User lookup does not display token information with view-only admin profiles. |
907286 | FortiAuthenticator LDAP server does not support PW+OTP concatenation for FortiToken Cloud-issued FortiToken Mobile tokens. |
904353 | Daylight saving time (DST) time zone change for Egypt starting end of April. |
876009 | FortiAuthenticator ignores the groups filtering rules and sends all the SSO groups to FortiGate if the FortiGate is configured with FQDN. |
878854 | Remote LDAP usernames greater than 255 character fails to authenticate through SSL VPN. |
900664 | Certificate only smart connect in iOS does not work. |
801933 | FortiAuthenticator as an LDAP server: log shows LDAP_FAC in the Source IP field. |
756414 | Incorrect Italian translation of Next button displayed on the reset password page. |
909342 | The status of the hardware tokens is „Missing seed” if imported through the serial number file. |
908091 | When timezone = GMT, London, user audit report download fails with internal server error 500. |
928334 | Incorrect message on the landing page for No-Access-Admin login. |
816070 | DB issue if the power is down during a short window when booting from factory reset. |
925924 | Unable to get SSO session on FortiAuthenticator when using UPN to login |
Producent jest świadomy tych problemów i pracuje nad ich rozwiązaniem. W międzyczasie zaleca się monitorowanie dokumentacji producenta w celu uzyskania najnowszych informacji o aktualizacjach i łatach naprawczych, które rozwiązują te problemy.
Notatki producenta: FortiAuthenticator 6.5.3
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