FortiClient 6.0.0
Najnowsza wersja FortiClient oznaczona numerem 6.0.0 została wydana przez producenta. Aktualizacja usprawnia komunikację i zarządzanie pomiędzy FortiClientem a FortiClient Enterprise Management Server(EMS) poprzez ulepszenie modułu kwarantanny plików. Następną nowością jest przesyłanie informacji o zainstalowanych aplikacjach do EMS i możliwość wyświetlenia tych danych. Należy również zwrócić uwagę na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa danych użytkowników korzystających z jednego urządzenia z FortiClienta. Poza tym graficzny interfejs użytkownika został odświeżony, niektóre elementy są teraz łatwiej dostępne i widoczne z powodu dodanego paska nawigacyjnego, a całość jest przyjemna dla oka.
Rozwiązane problemy:
Endpoint Control
448485 Change onnet/offnet status discovery for dual registration case.
458138 onnet status not being reported correctly on FortiClient when the EMS is offline.
460252 FortiESNAC was not able to detect the domain.
461004 EMS shows incorrect FortiClient state if EMS configured as both notification and management in IP list.
461405 FortiESNAC process stuck.
464911 EMS needs to re-sync profile to get AV events in.
465912 Endpoints disconnect randomly from EMS, still reporting themselves as being connected.
474993 FortiClient cannot be compliant when AV engine is different on FortiClient and FortiOS.
489943 FotriClient keeps on reregistering to FortiGate if it does not understand the error.
490182 FortiClient 6.0 compatibilty with FortiOS 5.6.
Malware Protection
411137 Cannot exclude UNC paths from scans.
421900 High CPU usage with fmon.exe.
443832 High CPU and freeze due to AV exclusions.
456910 No FortiSandbox scan for attachments in Windows 10 Mail app.
457439 AV real-time protection exclusion list with variables does not exclude all login users in terminal server.
457445 fmon high CPU and big latency in Citrix server
459907 FortiClient 5.6.2 After switching FortiClient (Windows) AV off and then on again it no longer registers in Windows security center
460107 Client is blocking Newly Observed Domains but web filter categories are off.
460189 FortiClient does not run a full scan on USB insertion.
462162 Manual/right-click Sandbox scan does not increase file submitted count.
462704 Fortiae.exe failed to apply anti-exploit support list dynamically.
467324 Windows Meltdown patch compatibility.
470086 FortiShield stops protecting all files in FortiClient installation.
476218 Split Block Malicious Websites into subcategories.
484177 Windows context menu Submit for analysis does not send file.
489923 Sandbox exclusion list does not work with %userprofile% in Citrix environment.
Web Filter
422496 Web Filter warn generate utmevent=antivirus.
445380 Add option to show block message from FortiClient (Windows) bubble popup for HTTPS site.
449279 FortiProxy blocks/prevents in-house software from working.
473247 Support new web filtering categories (9X) in FortiClient and EMS.
Application Firewall
478677 fortisniff2.sys BSOD.
481597 fortisniff2.sys causing BSOD on several Windows 10 PCs using FortiClient (Windows) 5.6.6
Remote Access
409656 FortiClient removed default route of LTE card after connecting to IPsec VPN
451882 FortiClient (Windows) could be launched from SSL VPN web portal.
456320 SSL VPN saving password after unchecking Always Up.
461742 SSL_VPN on_connect script not working.
464651 FortiClient 5.6.0, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.4.4 sometimes has slow download speed when connected to IPsec.
466486 FortiClient Windows VPN login forgery vulnerability.
469025 LogonUI.exe crashed caused by FortiCredentialProvider when VPN before logon enabled.
470706 Cannot connect to SSL VPN consistently with error code -20199.
473230 FortiClient on_connect script does not return correct password if contains special char %.
479097 SSL VPN is disconnected when using some application.
481115 FortiSSLVPNclient.exe triggers smart screen due to „unknown publisher”.
481361 SSL VPN before logon does not appear on Windows 10 x64 after enabling even after reboot.
484368 FortiClient (Windows) could not access machine certificate when user logs into Windows as nonadmin user when using IPsec VPN.
462513 FortiGate should control option Save Password .
489453 Site Violations > Clear Violations does not work consistently.
489927 FortiClient Web Filter should display Security Risk categories once FortiClient (Windows) disabled antivirus feature.
Install and upgrade
415585 Redeployment from EMS will reboot servers as no users logged in.
454184 Installing customized SSO only installer installed extra features.
460625 Delay in connecting to network after upgrade to 5.6.2.
467890 Minor upgrade breaks AV WSC integration.
480707 Installer crashes.
489136 EMS deployment does not work on Windows RS4 1803.
490359 FortiClient should support config firmware upgrade from FortiManager
462455 FCHelper64.exe causing error logs after upgrade to FortiClient (Windows) 5.6.2 on Windows 10.
464486 Revisit EPCUserAvatar.exe depency on .Net 3.5, 4.6.
464992 Avatar does not work properly on x64 Windows 8.1.
468993 FSSOMA always send default port 8001 no customized in Windows 7 x86.
473018 FortiClient SSO Mobility Agent Problem.
476108 FortiAvatar could not retrieve LinkedIn image anymore.
476110 FortiClient failed to change email address when user switched services.
478071 Unable to start a DCOM Server: the error: 740.
482124 Full translation of FortiClient to Korean.
488602 Typo in German translation.
Znane problemy do rozwiązania:
Endpoint Control
456917 Application Firewall became disabled when FortiClient was only monitored by EMS.
488095 EMS failed to update quarantined files for dual registered endpoint.
489256 Compliance with third party AV does not work properly .
Malware Protection
480516 FortiClient AV ignoring exclusion list when AV scan is triggered by Windows scheduled task.
481003 FortiClient causing longer logon time to terminal server (Citrix) for first user.
483523 Black screen for a few minutes after login/logoff.
483806 User could still copy files on USB drive around with Sandbox enabled.
491199 FortiClient Sandbox right-click scan does not quarantine or block malicious file.
472134 Some inconvenience with current per user password design for both SSL and IPsec.
475675 FortiClient dashboard reported wrong Sandbox status.
485558 Fix Now button shall be grayed out when there is no vulnerability.
485894 Differentiate stats message box and link for Sandbox.
489159 If setting locked, clear button on notification page should be hidden.
489163 FortiTray cannot display VPN connection if „permission denied” box popup.
489228 FortiTray still showed to allow to connect other VPN tunnels when FortiClient was connecting one VPN.
489596 Windows should be minimized when VPN is up.
490222 Save Password should be selected if Always Up is selected.
490950 FortiClient always auto switch to corporate VPN when user tried to connect local configured VPN.
491270 Save Password, Auto Connect, Always Up do not show until refreshing the GUI after VPN is down.
491303 Password cannot be saved for auto-connect if there are multiple users.
491735 Expand All button has no effect.
491737 Manual scan shows scheduled scan is running.
491788 Redundant SSL VPN failed to connect will display IPsec error.
491842 For scheduled scans, default scan type should be full.
492210 Toggling Block malicious websites subcategory will not save the configuration.
492397 Connecting VPN from FortiTray should not list certificate.
492444 Right-click Scan with FortiClient AntiVirus window does not show progress dialog box
Application Firewall
450225 FortiClient blocking DNS when Application Firewall enabled.
477771 Add option to not block „unrated” if FortiGuard cannot be contacted.
482729 FortiClient blocking VM Horizon client as P2P/BitTorrent.
482920 Application Firewall blocking IPsec VPN DF set response.
Remote Access
450245 Need to add a switch for the number of auto-connect retries.
467095 Wifi adapter failing to obtain an IP address after installing FortiClient.
475744 IPsec VPN keep running does not reconnect across network changes.
479236 FortiClient has issue with two factor authentication using Yubikey as 2FA for IPsec and SSL VPN.
480690 Default route is missing in FortiClient IPsec VPN.
486362 FortiClient disables Windows IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying modules when connecting the VPN which effects MS direct access.
489066 SSL VPN password is being sent in reverse order when FortiClient (Windows) console run as nonadministrator.
490855 Shows incorrect VPN profile when connect from FortiTray.
491407 IPsec VPN (with certificate) auto-connect when off-net not working if system did not restart between state change.
499465 SSL VPN custom host check for registry keys keeps failing on FortiClient 6.0.
476815 FortiClient reported remote server error when user selected LinkedIn service.
483945 Allow user to specify username on FortiClient console.
486330 Software Inventory – default Windows 10 programs not shown on EMS list.
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