FortiClient 6.0.1
Ostatnia duża aktualizacja FortiClient’a była majstersztykiem w wykonaniu fachowców z Fortinet. Wersja 6.0.1 to delikatna łatka, która usprawnia działanie EMS, zwykłego FortiClient’a oraz piaskownicy. Dzięki EMS FortiClient może otrzymać listę poprawnych formatów plików do monitorowania lokalnego. Nowe pliki wprowadzone do lokalnego systemu z odpowiednimi formatami są wysyłane do FortiSandbox. EMS pobiera listę formatów z FortiSandbox. Administrator EMS może tworzyć profile punktów końcowych z predefiniowanymi lub niestandardowymi listami formatów i przypisywać do grup punktów końcowych.
Rozwiązane problemy:
Endpoint Control
486859 disable_unregister not working.
488095 EMS failed to update quarantined files for dual registered endpoint.
489256 Compliance with third party AV does not work properly.
494232 FortiClient Console shows Not Participating in Security Fabric.
495917 FCUnregister not working for 64-bit client.
496759 Auto group assignment tag rule is broken on FortiClient 6.0.0 GA.
Malware Protection
474472 Saving images to OneDrive using Snipping Tool triggers AV detection on transient file.
480516 b1167: FortiClient AV ignoring exclusion list when Windows scheduled task triggers AV scan (system user in session 0) .
487452 FortiClient 5.6.6 AV Real Time Protection causing third party application called RMS to crash.
491199 FortiClient Sandbox right-click scan does not quarantine or block malicious file.
492444 Right-click scan with FortiClient AntiVirus window does not show.
494803 FortiClient sends empty SN to FortiSandbox during submission.
495539 FortiClient sends the same file twice/again to FortiSandbox.
497098 fmon triggers numerous dll load errors.
Web Filter
477771 Add option to not block „unrated” if FortiGuard cannot be contacted.
492752 Web Filter cannot be re-enabled in standalone mode without restarting FortiClient.
Remote Access
461136 FortiClient causing Blue Screen of Death on Windows 10 configured with VLANs (Intel driver 23.1).
483826 FortiClient sends IPsec SA delete when xauth is not completed in two minutes.
490855 Shows incorrect VPN profile when connecting from FortiTray.
497346 FortiClient 6.0: no connection is possible with client certificate.
Vulnerability Scan
496189 Vulnerability Scan will run about every hour.
485558 Fix Now button should be grayed out when there are no vulnerabilities.
489159 If settings are locked, the Clear button on the Notifications page should be hidden.
489423 Compliance and Telemetry status to not being translated to system OS.
492210 Toggling Block malicious websites subcategory will not save the config.
492397 Connecting VPN from FortiTray should not list certificates.
492647 Several GUI issues with b62.
495203 Cannot shutdown a FortiClient which has Password Lock Configuration When Disconnected from EMS enabled in profile.
495209 Confusing FortiClient status when connection to EMS is down.
495792 Opening GUI on Swedish OS results in an exception.
495798 Saving VPN in FortiClient 6.0 cause an error.
496616 minimize_window_on_connect set to 1 is not working as expected.
496819 FortiClient 6.0 requires elevated privileges to run the console.
496904 b0067: Unable to edit AV Malicious Websites settings after editing Web Filter
Install and upgrade
495604 Grammar error in FortiClient reboot message.
496724 FortiClient loses configuration when upgrading from 5.6.6 to 6.0.
496881 Unable to upgrade or uninstall FortiClient 5.6.6.
Znane problemy do rozwiązania:
Malware Protection
481003 FortiClient causing longer logon time to terminal server(Citrix) for first user.
483523 Black screen for a few minutes after login/logoff.
489052 Memory leak caused by FortiAptFilter.sys.
496084 AV exclusion list does not work in on-demand scan if %windir% or %systemroot% variables are used.
496326 FortiClient is sending intermittently files from local disk to the FortiSandbox for analysis.
499891 Scan on insertion does not work all the time.
Web Filter
489821 FortiClient 5.6.6 and Windows 8.1 SSL error.
Application Firewall
482920 FortiClient blocking DF set response.
Remote Access
450245 Need to add a switch for the number of auto-connect retries.
471234 Some inconvenience with current per user password design for both SSL and IPsec.
472223 Unable to select certificate for SSL VPN.
486362 FortiClient 5.6.6 disables Windows IKE and AuthIP IPsec keying modules when connecting the VPN which effects MS direct access.
491407 FortiClient auto-connect when off-net not working (IPsec certificate).
495325 FortiClient 6.0.0 VPN auto connect feature not working properly.
501027 b0152: FortiClient IPsec VPN IKE version 2 cannot register on IPsec virtual tunnel interface.
501631 b0154: IKE version 2 FortiClient version cannot establish IPsec VPN tunnel on remote FortiGate when user enables two-factor authentication.
502113 IKE version 2 config is missing Save Password, Auto Connect, Always Up options for FortiClient 94.
Vulnerability Scan
467328 FortiClient log for Vulnerability Scan should include file path.
492890 FortiClient malware GUI says malware is quarantined when in fact it is not
Install and upgrade
496895 When using EMS to upgrade FortiClient from 5.6 to 6.0.0, installer waits until someone logs in to start.
479229 After upgrading FortiClient from 5.6.4 to 5.6.6, AV scan history is lost.
496724 FortiClient loses configuration when upgrading from 5.6.6 to 6.0.
497115 GUI is blank after installation on Hungarian Windows.
497387 FortiClient Configurator should support automatic group assignment.
488842 Total uninstall 6.22.1 completely removing managed FortiClient.
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