Fortinet opublikował nową wersję oprogramowania dla FortiMail, o oznaczeniu wersji 7.2.5. Pojawiają się nowości, czyli wsparcie dla nowo dodanych kategorii filtrowania web w FortiGuard (mowa o Artificial Intelligence Technology oraz Cryptocurrency) oraz w przypadku wykorzystania IP Pool, od teraz informacja o nazwie profilu IP Pool i adresach IP będzie logowana. Z usprawnień dotyczących bezpieczeństwa – SSH-RSA oraz słabe algorytmy MAC / algorytmy wymiany kluczy zostały usunięte z listy strong-crypto dla SSHD. Poza tym, rozwiązano sporo problemów i błędów zgłaszanych przez administratorów.
Aktualnie wspierane modele:
FortiMail | 200F, 2000E, 2000F, 3000E, 3000F, 3200E, 400F, 900F |
FortiMail VM |
Rozwiązane problemy:
Bug ID | Description |
921181 | FortiMail cannot parse the phishing URL. |
923805 | URLs are sent to the sandbox despite category not being selected in the URL filter profile. |
924437 | QR code scan doesn’t work for Microsoft 365 real-time scan or scheduled scan. |
930633 | QR code phishing email not detected correctly. |
936502 | While training Bayesian database, if clean emails are selected before spam emails within the same upload, only the spam count increases. |
941219 | Cached SPF pass results persist until mailfilterd is reloaded, ignoring DNS changes. |
949892 | Quarantined email cannot be released when the subject of manual email for release contains a newline. |
957440 | Antivirus engine smtpd exceptions when CDR PDF scan is enabled. |
959876 | Disabling Newsletter and Suspicious newsletter (under Profile > AntiSpam > AntiSpam > Scan Configurations > Bayesian) permits emails that are larger than the maximum message size to scan to be delivered. |
966146 | mailfilterd process spikes by handling some emails. |
966866 | QR code scanning does not detect images with transparent backgrounds. |
968102 | URLs are unexpectedly changed when sent to FortiGuard. |
Bug ID | Description |
870416 | mailfilterd errors on FortiMail Cloud instance. |
917444 | Multiple DMARC reports are being generated. |
918857 | Memory consumption not being released when antivirus File Signature profiles are deleted. |
921653 | FortiMail not cleaning /var/spool folder, causing high mail disk usage and rejected SMTP connections. |
929085 | Recipient verification with action discard doesn’t work correctly. |
929893 | IBE expiry notification is sent from all active-active HA cluster members. |
932040 | False-positive power fluctuation alert logs. |
933542 | Quarantined email on the secondary HA was pushed back to the primary side, but is not counted. |
937921 | Some syslogs sent from FortiMail are incomplete. |
941644 | Request for increase in concurrent webmail sessions. |
942581 | Partial search match for „Inbox_archive” does not work properly on archived email search when an Archive Account profile’s index type is set to Header or Full. |
945330 | Unexpected system quarantine behavior. |
948641 | After adding IPv6 prefixes under config profile ip-address-group , FortiMail started to flood with „icmp6: neighbor adv” messages. |
949892 | Quarantined email cannot be released when subject of email header contains a newline. |
953639 | The disclaimer in the antispam profile is not working in the IP policy. |
954509 | IP reputation failing to identify spam IP addresses. |
954548 | Attachment scan rules can’t detect specific files when files start with a number. |
960618 | Domain MTA status was not correct after a FortiMail update. |
963070 | Ability to change user rights to other domains. |
964861 | Block/Safe list entries are overwritten instead of being appended after NFS sync disconnection. |
Bug ID | Description |
923787 | Unnecessary href attributes inserted into emails, leading to empty hyperlinks. |
929437 | PDF file content was replaced with other PDF file’s content after CDR. |
943096 | File password decryption issue for .xls files. |
Mail receival and delivery
Bug ID | Description |
925041 | Outgoing email stuck in the queue. |
928953 | Unable to release domain quarantined emails. |
949410 | DKIM key cannot be retrieved when emails are being sent from Gmail. |
955513 | FortiMail stops sending/receiving email when there is a mail event log for mailfilterd . |
Admin GUI and webmail
Bug ID | Description |
924193 | System quarantine list GUI shows garbled text for some quarantined emails. |
928158 | User still able to change the theme option even after Allow user to change theme is disabled. |
937898 | IBE login page redirect did not use the configured base URL. |
938976 | Cannot edit a calendar event in the shared calendar. |
962059 | After upgrading to 7.4.1 from 7.2.2, webmail contact Display name is divided with a comma, making it not possible to send the email. |
Log and report
Bug ID | Description |
929771 | IP reputation level 2 was disabled, but antispam log still showed spam IP score: 2. |
950871 | Separate long logs into multiple lines (instead of truncating) to avoid missing log details. |
962023 | Logs sent via syslog have missing disposition field entries when email is put into the domain quarantine. |
963521 | Incorrect search results when the OR operator is used. |
Notatki producenta: FortiMail 7.2.5
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