FortiWeb 6.0.3
Fortinet właśnie opublikował aktualizację oprogramowania przeznaczonego do ochrony aplikacji webowych która została oznaczona numerem 6.0.3! W nowej wersji FortiWeb producent wprowadza kilka nowych funkcjonalności, o których więcej w naszym artykule! Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z listą zmian oraz do aktualizacji oprogramowania.
Nowe funkcjonalności:
- Allow remote admin user to add new admin users
Wprowadzono uprawnienie dla zdalnego admina o profilu administratora prof_admin na dodawanie nowych użytkowników administracyjnych
- IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) support
FortiWeb obsługuje teraz funkcję DAD, która sprawdza duplikaty adresów IPv6.
- Support disabling graceful shutdown
Dodano komendę CLI, aby można było zresetować połączenia TCP podczas zamykania systemu.
- Shortname support in Kerberos Constrained Delegation
Shortname jest teraz obsługiwany w Kerberos Constrained Delegation.
- Support configuring FortiWeb when Kerberos Constrained Delegation fails
Dodano możliwość konfigurowania FortiWeb, gdy zawiodła delegacja Kerberos
Rozwiązane problemy:
Bug ID Description
0543903 When an XSS crafted URL is sent to a policy server, it will cause an XSS with Attack report.
0541508 After FortiWeb 2000E finishes rebooting, if the user executes shutdown immediately, the console prints error information randomly.
0540387 Add a CLI option pass-failed-auth so that FortiWeb can be configured when Kerberos Constrained Delegation fails.
0539153 Support IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD).
0537182 On GCP platform, users are unable to connect to FortiWeb GUI.
0537079 Proxyd crash occurs when FortiWeb 4000E is in cluster mode.
0534820 The most recent log messages are not displayed in the Aggregated Attacks log.
0533222 FortiWeb 1000E sees low downloading speed while CP9 is enabled.
0531921 HA synchronization fails on the slave node because config system fortisandbox-statistics should only be executed by the sandbox deamon.
0531262 Shortname is not supported in Kerberos Constrained Delegation of Site Publish.
0531114 When the action for signature policy is Alert & Deny, and Monitor Mode in Server Policy is enabled, FortiWeb only generates partial logs for SQL Injection (Syntax Based Detection) SQL Injection (Syntax Based Detection).
0530464 The FortiAnalyzer fails to detect FortiWeb cluster.
0527730 If the length of the arguments in the body is larger than 20 KB, and one of the arguments’ length is larger than 16 KB, the string array will write out of bounds when the arguments are being built in the log.
0527387 The configurations having dependencies can’t be synchronized to the members in an HA cluster.
0526407 Parsing error causes the subsequent HTTP requests to be dropped.
0525827 Graceful-shutdown is enabled by default, and thus FortiWeb will send FIN to the server/client after receiving RST and terminate the session.
0524351 The configuration sync will be timeout if the configuration sync port is changed.
0524337 If the HA reserved port is configured with a gateway, it’s not allowed to configure administrative access for this port. The system displays the error message 'ip route table 0′ drop one route.
0517346 Most WAF features are disabled for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) traffic.
0502898 The error message „undefined” appears when the user logs into FortiWeb.
0501154 When running „diag sys ha confd_status”, it shows the slave unit is in initial status.
0490557 If the DHCP mode is enabled on two network interfaces of a FortiWeb-VM in an HA cluster on AWS, and the FortiWeb-VM is restarted after being stopped for a while, it’s unable to access it through GUI
Znane problemy:
Bug ID Description
0542018 Email policy fails when the users clicks Apply and Test in GUI.
0541244 The system displays an error when users types the regular expression ? in the CLI.
0531337 High Memory usage on FortiWeb 1000E.
0502506 Application confd sometimes crashes when saving the FortiWeb configuration.
0501451 The mysql database is lost after running the execute db rebuild command.
0483785 The SFP Transreciever on FortiWeb Finisar FTLF8519P3BNL does not come up on FortiWeb 600D.
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